Votapex - Demonstration Environments (Test on Votapex)

The Votapex Platform is a distributed platform made up of a set of Regional Servers used to facilitate the districts within a set region and cohort of members. Each regional server also has a test instance to be able to demonstrate the platform, and it's performance within a Region.

These test instances will have the very latest version of the Votapex Platform deployed, and have features which are under active development made available to demonstrate not just what the Votapex Platform is capable of today, but also what features will be released shortly for review.

You can review the experience on our Test Environments which reset each hour.

You can login with the following Member IDs;
PN-88888888 will demonstrate Portal Administration (available to DD, PQD, CGD, FM & PRM)
PN-77777777 will demonstrate Vote Administration (available to AM & Parliamentarian)
PN-99999999 will demonstrate a Vote User (available to District Council Members)
PN-66666666 will demonstrate a Scrutineer User (available on request)


Where is Votapex established?

Votapex (AS) - test-as.on.votapex.com
Coming soon for Region 13 & 14 Districts

Votapex (AU) - test-au.on.votapex.com
Available for Oceania Based Districts

Votapex (EU) - test-eu.on.votapex.com
Coming soon for European & Middle-East Based Districts

Votapex (US) - test-us.on.votapex.com
Coming soon for US Based Districts